Here's an assortment of different papercraft models I built during the years. I started about 5 years ago.
All of the models are not my design, but with each model I always implement modifications to make it "my own".
These are just a fraction of the models I built.

The very first model I've constructed.
I find most models through this blog

An example of a re-skining I made (the left one is the original skin)

A birthday present for a friend; "Pirates of the Carabien"'s 'Dead Men's Chest' + Compass + DVD trilogy. Both 1:1 in scale

A gift for a friend - The spacecraft Serenity from the TV Show Firefly

I started adding LEDs to my builds. This is the "Mark i" from the movie Iron-Man.

As of most of my builds, this one is a Birthday present as well. A model of a Speeder Bike from the movie "Star-Wars: Return of the Jedi"

A 50 cm tall ED-209 paper model (the robot from Robocop). Because it weighs so much I had to build him a support :/